Looking to Increase Sales?


Improve Sales and Marketing best practices

Learn from other experienced Professionals through round table coaching.

this is not your dad’s sales training.

We wanted to increase our sales so we hired a Salesperson, but they didn’t produce. We suggested sales training but all we found were programs that taught sales techniques. That was not the problem The issues was not that we were losing deals, the issue was that we were not having enough opportunities. Sales training was not helping and we needed a solution.

Sound familiar? Sales happens when someone raises their hands, but most Sales people are not trained in getting people to raise their hands. That is Marketing’s job.

If you want greater sales, we need to get Sales and Marketing laser focused on generating quality opportunities AND knowing how to nurture them into sales. We also need to increase our referral engine since most companies #1 marketing strategy is referrals.

We have a program to do just this. Make your sales people highly effective and increase your number of opportunities.


Balanced Sales and Marketing Group

Cornerstone Concepts and Results

increased sales

Through accountability to setting goals, planning, executing and adjusting annual, quarterly and weekly.



Increased closing rate

Learn our consultative sales process to shepherd suspects, prospect and customers though getting to know, like and trust.

increased productivity

Accountability to have a goal, plan, execution and adjustment will increase time management and productivity.


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increased Marketing effectiveness

Development of scoreboard / scorecard for tracking marketing effectiveness and adjusting strategies to increase results.

learn through practice

Live role playing of actual scenarios to improve success rate and to learn from one another.



Peer input and education

Outside feedback, suggestions and experiences from other sales and marketing professions to improve probability of success.

increased Referrals

Through relationships developed in the group and an intimate understanding of partner businesses, referrals happen naturally and are of the highest quality.


Outside evaluation

Honest feedback from professional Coach on skills, potential, self-awareness and execution.

learn new marketing strategies

Education on new and innovative marketing technique that produces new customers.


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Self coaching

Education on how to coach yourself, others and even clients to find out what they want and help them achieve it.


Twice monthly Sales and Marketing round-table / mastermind group of peers helping peers.



Two 90 Minute meetings per month

sessions being and end on time

Our sessions are 90 minutes two times per month. We cover headlines, accountability, goals and peers helping peers with sales and marketing issues, strategies and best practices.


Small Group

max of 7 non-competing businesses

We only allow up to 7 participants per group. This allows for greater intimacy and time for everyone to participate. We also ensure that there are no competitors which allows you to speak free of concern for your trade secrets.


Professional Coach Facilitator

proven best practices

Our Coach facilitator are experts and cutting through the fluff, keeping meetings on track and helping you get greater results. This ensures that our meetings are productive and not monopolized by the loudest, or longest winded person. Everyone is drawn into the meeting and receives value. In addition, we have a library of proven best practices that we have developed and pull from the latest thought leaders and innovations. This ensures you are learning new ideas and solutions regularly.


Try before you buy

attend as a guest

You are welcome to come to one of our meetings and see how they flow. Meet other business owners who are much like you. Expand your network and explore how being part of a Balanced Leadership mastermind group can help you.