Toggl - Time Tracking

Why are we so eager and earnest about tracking our money, but we spend our time without thinking. Time is our most precious commodity and yet we know very little about where we spend it.
— marc dion / Balanced leadership center

If you are looking to increase your productivity, the second best recommendation I have is to track your time.

Every single boss I worked for in my 20 year technology career asked me to track my activity and time and each one I fought it. I felt they were going to want me to explain my efforts and didn’t want that level of accountability.

In my last position I lead a team of highly skilled technician who were required to track their time for billing purposes. Again, I was able to dodge this process as leadership was not required to track their time. At some point I realized that in order to effectively lead my team, I needed to understand their process better which included understanding how they tracked their time. This led to me finally tracking my time. I learned a few significant lessons as a result. The greatest was that you become very productive when you track your time.

When I left consulting and started my own business, I valued the ability to maintain that high level of accountability and productivity so I elected to continue to track my time. I did not have the timing program so I turned to

I love this program for it’s simple interface, reporting and ability to manually create entries instead of remembering to start and stop a timer. If you are looking for a productivity boost, check out for tracking your time. You too will be amazed at the productivity increase and lessons you will learn.

Marc DionComment