Google Speech API


Google Web Speech API


I’ve been doing quite a bit with voice to text lately and looking for a good solution for transcription software when I came across Google Web Speech API.

This is a very simple way to record and transcribe your speech to text. It is super basic and has some major limitations, but the quality of the transcription is pretty exceptional.

You can say “period” and it will close a sentence. You can say “new line” and it will insert a carriage return.

Give it a try the next time you need to compose an article, long email or just want to get your thoughts out of your head.

Keep in mind, this will take some practice and getting used to. Also know that if you stop speaking too long, the app will stop recording. When you push record again, it will erase whatever you had recorded, so be sure to copy and paste before you begin recording again!

Have fun!

Marc DionComment